Never Test in the Wrong
Environment Again

Know Your Environment: A Chrome Extension for Developers and Testers

Get the Extension

How It Works

Guidelines to use the Know Your Env. tool effectively.

  1. Add New Field: Click on the button to add a new row of settings.
  2. Fillup the required details:
    • URL: The website URL where the indicator will be displayed. (example:-
        Accept Regex
      • Example:-,, -> http://*
      • Example:-,,, -> https://subdomain.*
    • Label: The text that will appear on the button or label. (example:- Dev, Stage, Beta, UAT, Prod)
    • Type: Choose between a Button or Label.
    • BG Color: The background color of the button or label.
    • Text Color: The color of the text on the button or label.
    • Position: The position of the button or label on the page (Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Right).
    • Size: The size of the button or label (Small, Medium, Large).
  3. Save Settings: Click on the button to save your changes.


Top Left

Here is an example of a button placed at the top left:

Top Right

Here is an example of a button placed at the top right:

Bottom Left

Here is an example of a button placed at the bottom left:

Bottom Right

Here is an example of a button placed at the bottom right: